Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"mama, i had a dream"

it's 2:17 pm. i am sitting inside, i'm not sure why...because it's officially the most perfect day we have had in months. i suppose i'm waiting for talia to fall asleep. she has been laying down for almost 18 minutes and said "i had a dream". she uses this as a lure to get me to come and lay with her. we pray and she falls asleep. she is magical to me. i never wanted a daughter. it was the princess thing. the drama factor. teaching someone about their period. ~ugh.~ but she has swept me off of my feet. she sings "the wizard of oz" at the top of her lungs. she tells stories that start with "once upon a time" and end with someone dying from being farted on (obviously her brother's influence). she makes plastic jewelry look regal. she is everything i didn't realize i always wanted in a daughter.

not to mention she loves me. she kisses me. she makes me feel so great. after all it is all about me right?

"mommy?" she just called me....she needs me. she hates napping. she wants to be with me all the time. dishes. laundry. painting. organizing. cleaning...she may not recognize that being done.
she's out of bed now.
"talia, what?"
"i'm going potty."
"you went before you got into bed"
"are you pooping?"
"mama i pooooooop"

oh, i hope this here internet is arahnd til her weddin'. i wanna read it durin' her toast!

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