Sunday, March 8, 2009

more pictures of my lovlies

this is his favorite movie. wall-e. he has the "dolls" and reenacts the movie. it's hilarious. 
we watch it everyday...without guilt...TV is NOT the enemy...

for those of you who haven't experienced this phenomenon...this is max spinning at top speed on the zebra. i actually hid his in the basement because he won't play with his other toys when it's in the living room...he spins for long spans of time without consequence.

dr romberger, our fabulous pediatrician, said "wow look how advanced she is...she's five weeks old and THIS is a six week reflex" 
chris and i were so proud...

she always looks a bit surprised. this is her other pre-smile look...angst.

i love this picture very much...30 seconds later he pushed her off saying
"she's really heavy and fussy."
(neither of which are true)

"i see dead people"
there first trip down the slide together
one of her first smiles...on film that is...


Anonymous said...

I love and miss them so much!!!! They are too precious for words!! XOXOXO aunt Bek
PS: there's not a day or friend's house that we go to that max's name doesn't come up

Erin said...

The picture of Max holding Tal is precious!

the Pie family said...

i just want to say your kids are adorable! good job on that! :) how is life with 2? crazy!! i know! :)