Saturday, August 23, 2008

reunited and it feels so good

max stayed with my parents and bekah/nina for three days this week so chris and i could wrap up the house search at night. we hopefully will make a decision this tuesday but no guaruntees....

i called many times a day because i missed him dearly and he would barely talk to me because he was having so much fun. i was bummed but i know that bunna and poppy's house is a lot of fun...we love coming to johnstown...we like going home too though...

so when i saw him last night, we were equally thrilled to see each other. i cried so hard. i didn't realize how MUUUCCCHHH i missed him. i knew that i did but when i saw his sweet hit me...

so we are reunited again and so happy. this morning it was just like old times. he refused to apologize to nina after he pushed her down and had a time out....for about 10 minutes because of his refusal to cooperate with the old times....

we had the BEST conversation when he woke up today...he loves talking into my bellybutton to the baby. today sounded a little bit like this....

"hey baby. hey baby! come out and play!"
"maxi, she needs to grow more. she's way too small too play with right now. she'll be out soon."
"baby keep growing. i miss you. i want to hold you...(he rubbed my belly and pretended to pull out the babythrough my skin) oh, baby, i love you. (he then rubbed the "baby" on his cheek) ok hug mama and then it's time to go back in and grow."
two weeks ago he told me
"i know that the baby will come out of your fingers when she comes"
i'm so glad that he stated that instead of asking....

1 comment:

Erin said...

That is so adorable! What a sweetie that Max is! I hope he loves his baby sister as much when she arrives!