Monday, March 24, 2008

long time no blog....

i was having a horrible time because when i started this blog, it wouldn't stop underlining this text. i got frustrated and chris taught me how to "edit Html". how interesting... has been crazy 'round these parts since my last blog. bekah's been in and out of the hospital getting various procedures. work was nutty for awhile, max got sick (see last blog) and stayed sick for two weeks. my in-laws moved and we helped many days. and max grew and grew. he is talking and playing sooo much. we've been enjoying him soooo much. he has been a joy since he was that he's talking, we have been hysterically most of the day. chris showed him his "clavicle" and max calls it a "baccicule" and we have him repeat it a 1000x a day. he also tells hilarious stories. he will try to explain things that happened as "uh, um, well, because..." he can't get past that and it kills me everytime. 

he is beyond sweet. he really loves people. he always says "nice yady" when i've been talking to someone in a store or other place. he says "nice guy" about men who smile at him or give him a high five. he is sweet. his disposition changes from supersweet to a bit defiant with me these days in a blink of an eye. "No!" "No Mama! Stop it!" "Right now!!" those are phrases i wish i could erase from his vocabulary. he repeats new words or phrases he hears all the time. at Easter dinner, my cousin spilled something and said "Crap!" he immediately said "crap!" shockingly the first time he'd heard it. adorable yet gross.

nina is so sweet too. she's so funny and she peed on the potty! i asked max if he wanted to try and he said "No, NINA do's that!" so we're not pushing it.

the picture below is max at gymkhana. he LOVES that place. every day he says "gymkhana today?" his beloved teacher, miss lexi, recently retired to another position and i've been so bummed about it because she really helped pull him out of his shell. oddly, she is now the church secretary at dave's (bindewald) church. we'll be visiting her there...
nina and max get along really well (sometimes they are aggressive with each other). that being said, they both LOVE sasha. she grins from ear to ear when she sees them. it's so cute. 
max tries to kiss them both all the time but they push him away. he's such an over the top lover!
our last snowman of the year....we hope!!!
the three not so babies anymore. olg and sasha are leaving for russia on friday and chris is following in two weeks. i'm happy that they're going. i just don't want them to like it too much!