Sunday, August 31, 2008

so much to say....

I haven't posted in a while...nothing significant at least....i must say that i love reading blogs. i check them daily and am quite disappointed when nothing new is posted....that being said, i'm not a crazy stalker like my husband thinks. i just love it...well, nancy (formerly kuhn) FREAKED ME OUT with the sitemeter. wigged out!!! i am in shock. i signed up and was completely horrified that i have looked like a complete i get over that...i should resume blog searching again...for now, i'm going to cool it... :)

secondly, wells started pre-school this week. first day he was fine. he adjusted very well to being away from me. he was thrilled to see me and chattered on for a long time about  his day. "i had so much fun mama. I played and colored and sang songs. i can't wait to go back..." Day 2--he was odd all morning and fussed a little bit.  he threw up at did he love telling that story. "i don't have shoes because i threw up on them at lunch." or "i threw up because i was too nervous and fussy today at school." 3...he was great!! he loved his day and apparently he was yelling and dancing during the dance class saying "I LOOOVE these songs. i'm so happy." he was in a great mood. 

lastly, school is going well. i miss my boy but i think it's going to be a good year. i'll post more later...i'm really going to get better about this....i love reading about everyone but i love sharing info too....


~Seth and Nancy~ said...

sorry to freak you out there jess! :-D if it makes you feel any better, with as slow as my job can be i'm borderline stalker as well!

Erin said...

Ha ha! I probably look like a stalker too. Don't feel too bad.